I think I'm allergic to cats. And I've never been allergic to anything in my life. Except for bananas. But that's just some weird thing because I can eat banana bread but as soon as I have a banana smoothie my stomach wants to suicide. I went to Pants Downs' house last night, but first I went out for dinner for Tom's farewell and then to Katherine and Liz's house cooling party. They had a gum ball machine so now I have sore teeth from eating too many gum balls. Our internet is shit so I can't go on facebook.
I'm starting work again on Monday, which I am both looking forward to (because I miss work and I'm poor) and not (because I'm lazy). I really feel like i NEED the third season of the IT Crowd. That would actually thrill me.
Haha, well the last ep of series 3 aired today! (on ABC 2)