Oh I'm so glad I found you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Someone commented on my blog, and they are friends with Marieke Hardy.
This is dang exciting. I'm going to Melbourne again tomorrow. Not much else is happening lately except I'm working a lot, so I'm swearing a lot and starting to sound like a bit of a tosser. Also, I'm talking to someone I never really envisioned myself talking to and although currently all logic and common sense is eluding me, it feels really right for some reason.

Also, I also told someone that I like sex as a separate entity. I'd never told anyone that before. I don't know what that says about the people in my life who I usually tell stuff to haha. Well, at any rate I have to go have a shower, so I don't look mingin' when I rock up at work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today I saw a pregnant woman smoking, and I think this well and truly entitled her to be cunt-punted. And I never say cunt. Except now, when I said it twice.

Tonight work was bad, then good. The generator blew so the beer was pouring SO slowly. It was balls. But then it was quiet and I got to go home early. I wish this internet wasn't so fucking retarded, I would put up more pictures.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Through my huge lesbian crush on Marieke Hardy and reading through 142 pages of her blog, from 2007, systematically, so I don't miss one SINGLE word of her repartee, I have found so many cool blogs, written by people who are funny and interesting, and whilst making me ecstatically happy that these people exist, it does put one's own life in a harsh perspective and make me feel rather undeducated and intellectually disabled.

I had a big breakdown to my Mum in the backseat of the car, in Olive St, outside of Baker Motors, so it was highly innappropriate but kind of nice too, since I just told her all the stuff I've been thinking about for the last month and a half. I think we got somewhere. Which is something, since I am the most stubborn, irritating, grudge-holding and irrational person ever sometimes and she just manages to make me feel so fucking pissed off for no reason. Which of course, doesn't help my sneaking suspicion that I'm a bad person.

Does everyone who starts a blog begin to think, at some point, they were being very presumptuous when they entered the blogosphere? As in, entertaining the idea that people enjoyed reading their thoughts on life? Or whatever it is you do. I'm starting to feel this way. And time spent here is time away from Marieke. No good on any account. But you know, I'll keep going? Maybe it's a perserverence thing....but they said that about the Iraq War, and that seems to be working out super duper-ly well for all involved.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

the only time i feel alright, is by your side.

Well that's a dirty big lie.
I don't feel like that towards anyone at the moment. I feel like my head is like that massive intersection in France, where there are like 10 million lanes of traffic and there are accidents every 10 minutes. Whatever. I have all these thoughts again and again and again and eventually they hit each other and explode. But they are surprisingly resilient.
I'm quite tired of feeling like I can't express how I feel.
I'm quite tired of being boring, and indecisive and infuriating, and unremarkable.
I'm quite tired full stop. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'm taking in my Holga to see if I made it work right. And taking Clare to get her ears pierced. Oh I got my nose pierced?