You know, love really does seem to come easier to some people. That's just a recent observation, one that occasionally makes me bitter, but upon further thought, makes me just realise it's a fact of life, much like other things that are becoming disturbingly commonplace, such as Justin Beiber and my potty mouth.
I miss writing. I used to write a lot, and I used to be really good at English. All through primary school and probably up to Year 8, I had confidence in my ability as a writer. Then, I think a) I became lazy and a bit rubbish and b) writing for the purpose of school became more about how well you wrote what was asked of you by the assignment outline, or subject syllabus. I didn't care much for writing where I actually had to think about what I was writing, and having to insert things like metaphors and oxymorons for the sake of a few marks.
I'm still really good at writing letters, I wrote at least a hundred when I was in Japan last year, but I really think I'll give writing a proper go this semester, especially with all the free time I'll have on my hands, what with the crushing workload of 12 contact hours a week. I might trial some of it here, though I forgot to mention the other issue, and that is that anything I write, it seems that as soon as I finish, I read back over it and immediately despise it. Maybe here is a good forum, what with a fairly quiet and unresponsive audience, it may be just the solution I'm after.
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