I've been lying in bed thinking, and my mind is going 100 miles an hour, and I took a double dose of cough syrup, so I should be out like a light. But regardless, there's a boy to think about and what I'm going to wear Wednesday night at the ball, and other such things remain infuriatingly close to my conciousness, keeping unconciousness on the outer.
I began thinking about my blog, and how I probably wouldn't want most of my friends to read it (as it is, it has caused problems) as it is kind of dorky and I get embarassed. And then this in turn lead to me think about how it doesn't really get read except by a very select few, and then how people start these blogs and they become these international points of interest. It's crazy. I guess I'm nto very stylish, or controversial or have any real opinion about anything that sticks.
Body image is such a loaded topic, and most of the time just turns into a big cliche anyway. What I do know is that I still spend a fair proportion of my time (much, MUCH more than I'd care to admit) stressing, cursing, pondering and raging about how I look, and what needs improvement. Obviously, the message is to be happy as you are, as long as you're healthy. Sorry to all those deliriously happy fat people. I could change how I looked, if I worked hard, but it's just not something that's a big priority to me. Every few months people seem to comment that I appear to have lost weight; I'm not getting any smaller on a regular basis, and I'm definitely bigger than say, 3 years ago, so I don't know what to put this down to.
As mentioned before, I have that weird, terribly perverse idea of becoming morbidly obese, just to challenge someone to fall in love with your personality. I have no desire to be fat. I actually have a deep seated desire to have a flat stomach; I can live with all my other flaws as they are. I probably could have it, well I know I could, and in the future I will more than likely try harder but it just doesn't mean much now. I get bored in seconds as soon as people start talking about how much they weigh, how they look fat in what they're wearing etc. I find it irrelevant, but I try to be sensitive because it has a big role in how some people see themselves.

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