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Friday, February 26, 2010

Okay so I know it's only MX but....

I don't know what this douchebag was thinking when they listened to this, and it's obvious they didn't take the time or money to attend the ACTUAL event, as this is the most bullshit music review I have ever read.

"Given he's spent a career trying to disown the Dots, Paul Kelly wouldn't have realsied that 2009 marked the 30th anniversary of their first recording (a single called, ironically, Recognition). But Triple J's Richard Kingsmill did, and damn it, he was going to do something about it. So Melbourne's famed Forum Theatre was home to a couple of tribute concerts last November. So far, not so bad - after all, it shouldn't be too hard to gather a line-up, given Kelly's collaborated with just about anyone you care to name in Australian music. But who does Kingsmill rope in, using all his contacts and clout? Missy Higgins. Fair enough. Tick. Katy Steele. Tick. Clare Bowditch. Tick. Sort of. John Butler. Mmmmm, OK. Bob Evans. Oh dear. Dan Sultan. Bloody Hell, is it too late to cancel? No it's not, so rounding out the bill is Jae Laffer, Paul Dempsey, Ash Naylor, Megan Washington, Adalita and...Ozi Batla. Cripes. Predictably, the material is obvious, the arrangements routine, the recording is rough (did anyone put a mic near the singers?) - and there's not a Dots song to be heard. Not even Recognition. Go figure."

- Stevie Nix (?) MX Thursday 25th February 2010

I don't even know where to start about how much is wrong with this pigheaded, totally irrelevant rant about the Tribute CD. For the record, I went to the concert and it was fucking amazing. Makes-you-want-to-cry good. I don't know what exactly they think they know about artists in the Australian music scene but it's a pretty decent line up, I don't imagine who Stevie thought was going to be gracing the stage. To call their arrangements and material obvious and routine is to be seriously misinformed, because there was nothing routine about Dan Sultan's "Give In To My Love" - I think it rivals the original and the man is a babe; and Megan Washington had the Forum in the palm of her hand; you could have heard a pin drop during "Meet Me In The Middle Of The Air".

This kind of thing makes me want to punch kittens. I'm sorry. I can't let that go by, and by no means am I some sort of musical expert, but I can say first hand that it was genuinely a once in a lifetime experience, and so moving. My breath was taken away countless times. I guess it's a constant debate for musical artists as to whether they play a set of their classics, or more obscure tunes, but I think it suited for Kelly's most well-known and most loved songs to be played. Their popularity by no means diminishes their sublime beauty. His songwriting is timeless.

I supposed I should mention that I have not actually listened to this CD, which makes me slightly misinformed, but I have seen the filmed version, that was on ABC2 a couple of weeks back (I'm in it!) and I think the slightly amateurish filming and reocrding adds to the charm. If the review had been ONLY about that, it would have made more sense, but this person just blindly badmouthed everyone who had anything to do with it. Have they seen Clare Bowditch perform live?! The woman is amazing. I think anyone who is questioning the credibility and presence of artists such as Ash Naylor, Paul Dempsey and Bob Evans needs to do some field research.

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