Oh I'm so glad I found you.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

We're all fucked.

We're all waiting to be discovered, to be told by someone important that we are the ones they have been looking for their entire lives. We're all looking for that lift, the words that will lead the world to become amazed by us and uncontrollably infatuated; who wouldn't want to be idolised in such a way, watch all their deepest fears simply dissipate, became fragments of a life lost to naivety. It's not fair that we have to wait, our insecurities are constantly on display for everyone to take advantage of, they want us to believe that happiness is a privilege; that if we are happy, something must have been overlooked. Seeking approval is not wrong, but seeking it from the wrong people can be dangerous, it can change our life in an instant and that beautiful innocence can never be reclaimed because now you know what is out there. Our lives are epitomised by others; we cannot exist without someone who is willing to tell you that they are merely substantial without you; that without YOU, they feel like little pieces of their heart are falling away, melting together into something they no longer recognise as their own and their life becomes mediocre without your mere presence. Hence our subtle ability to be a little more than amazing. Some move forward without a catalyst for happiness, others refuse to and are consumed by something that they cannot be without and this itself is understandable. We can only live without butterflies in our tummy for so long and yearn for the day when people will enquire as to what is wrong and you can smile at them, as though on drugs and proclaim that your life is more exquisite than you could possibly imagine. It's how long we wait that defines us....
"As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

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